Questions for main character Mia
1.Q: I see that you’re a special education teacher. How did you first decide to pursue that career?
A: Mia: I guess you could say that I grew up with a lot of alone time. As an only child whose father left when I was small and being raised by a mom who was wrapped up in her career as a fashion designer, I vowed that I would help others who may be faced with challenging situations. My best friend, Sarah, has a brother named Billy who has learning disabilities. I have a special place in my heart for Billy and love spending time with him and Sarah. Some of my best memories include the times I spent with them. I have always wanted to make a difference in the lives of others and now I have that chance.
2. Q: Why did you decide to home-school a high school student? Do you prefer this type of position as opposed to having your own class?
A: Mia: It’s funny, I’ve always thought that I would teach younger students, elementary school age. However, it seemed that there were always budget cuts and my positions prior to this involved maternity leave positions in which the teacher always returned. It’s discouraging that jobs are so hard to come by in today’s economy. The last few years, I supported myself by subbing and waitressing at a restaurant in town. Just as I was losing hope, I received a call asking if I wanted to home-school a high school senior. Imagine that! I never thought that I would work with teenagers, and as a matter of fact, I thought about declining the interview right there on the phone. Something inside of me told me that I had nothing to lose, so I decided to show up for the interview.
3. Q: Why was the student being home-schooled? Why couldn’t she finish her senior year at the high school?
A: Mia: Well, that’s a very good question and that’s exactly what I wanted to know. The question was met with an abrupt, vague answer. I was told that the young teen was troubled and that she couldn’t get along with other students at the school. Of course, I delved deeper and eventually discovered that this girl was being bullied and that nobody believed her side of the story. Cassidy’s self-esteem was crushed and I promised myself that I would help this girl believe in herself. I wanted to look deeper into the bullying situation and try to help Cassidy cope with her feelings.
4.Q: It sounds like you have a very rewarding career. Can we talk about your personal life? Is there a boyfriend in the picture?
A: Mia: I haven’t had much luck in the romance department. Past boyfriends haven’t always been the best choices for me. I suppose you could say that right now I’m kind of torn between a guy that I had a huge crush on and a neighbor whom I’ve become close friends with. I’ve never been friends with a guy like my neighbor before, Jamie is everything that a woman could ask for.
Q: But?
A: Mia: It’s complicated, let’s leave it at that for now. The thing is, I don’t want to lose Jamie as a friend.
Q: It seems that you have a lot to think about. The choice seems clear to me, what’s the issue?
A: Mia: Like I said, it’s complicated, but I can’t imagine my life without Jamie.
5.Q: I see. Let’s move on. I’m curious to see if you helped Cassidy. If there’s one thing that you have learned in life that you could advise someone who is going through a rough time, what would it be?
A: Mia: I don’t think that I’m an expert on giving advice, but I can tell you this, be kind to yourself, believe in yourself and hold true to your dreams. I have a lot to learn myself, but I feel that I’m getting there, if you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else is going to. Hold your head high and keep your focus, that’s what I would say, don’t let anybody crush your dreams.
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Where There is Love
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