@doubled_books The book may seem dark by reading the descritpion, and it is at times, but that just makes the ending feel more rewarding.
— Claire Amber (@Sedonna12) November 29, 2014
Q. for Author Claire Amber @Sedonna12 - Why us about your new book, Bird of Paradise, in two words only?A. I'd say emotional and serious. Somewhat different from my last book The Boogieman, which focused more on humor and action.
@Sedonna12 follow up question - Was it hard changing from humor, serious to emotional and serious?
A. Not at all. I can write in any genre as long as I have ideas formed in my mind and know what kind of story I want to tell.
Q. for Author Claire Amber @Sedonna12 - When did you decide to become a writer?
A. I wanted to be one since I was a little girl. I wrote my first novel when I was 14 and published one at the age of 17.
Q. for Author Claire Amber @Sedonna12 - Tell us about the cover, how it came about, who designed your book cover?
A. I'm more into illustrated covers and I wanted to show a scene from the book as well as covey the atmosphere of it.
@doubled_books I did the typography, but the cover art was made by the talented Alex Heath
— Claire Amber (@Sedonna12) November 29, 2014
Q. for Author Claire Amber @Sedonna12 - What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?A. Writing the songs. I had to rewrite two of them because I didn't like the feels I got, but I'm happy with them now.
@Sedonna12 Follow up questions - How was is it different writing songs via stories, or poems?
@doubled_books The songs are actually sung by the characters. I often like to imagine the story as a musical or ballet/opera.
— Claire Amber (@Sedonna12) November 29, 2014
Q. for Author Claire Amber @Sedonna12 - If you could Co-Write with any Author who would it be and why?A. I don't like teamwork. Often times my ideas get tossed aside and end up saving the whole thing after I secretly slip them in.
@doubled_books So, no, I wouldn't really like to co-write with anyone. Not even if it was J. K. Rowling.
— Claire Amber (@Sedonna12) November 29, 2014
Q. for Author Claire Amber @Sedonna12 - What are your current project/projects you are working on?
@doubled_books I'm writing a collection of romantic poems and prose written by a fictional character to me.
— Claire Amber (@Sedonna12) November 29, 2014
A. However, I'm writing it in my mother tongue and hopefully I'll translate it to English and publish it as an ebook afterward. The book would work best if it were written in French. It takes place in a town near Paris in the late 19th century.Q. for Author Claire Amber @Sedonna12 - If you could talk to one of the character from Bird of Paradise who would it be and what would you tell them?
A. I'd like to talk to the male protagonist, Rorschet. I'd simply thank him for being so strong and patient all those years. He was most fun to write about. Especially the scenes where he had his emotional meltdowns.
Q. for Author Claire Amber @Sedonna12 - Have you learned anything from writing, if so what?
A. I learned a lot about myself. Writing is a good way to get inside your subconscious if you're too cheap for a psychologist.
Q. for Author Claire Amber @Sedonna12 - Do you have any strange writing habits?
@doubled_books Sometimes when I listen to music while I write, I try to hit the buttons to match the beat.
— Claire Amber (@Sedonna12) November 29, 2014
Q. for Author Claire Amber @Sedonna12 - Do you have any advice for other writers?A. You're not a writer unless you finish at least one book. Stick with it until the very end. Don't stop halfway...It's difficult and requires patience and determination, but you just gotta keep writing it until you hit THE END.
Q. for Author Claire Amber @Sedonna12 - Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
A. Oh boy, there are A LOT of messages you can interpret from my novel. It'd be impossible to list them under 140 characters. There is a ton of symbolism crammed inside. The relationship between lower and higher social classes, new moral philosophy...
Q. for Author Claire Amber @Sedonna12 - Is there anything you would like to say to people who have or will read you books? I ask them to not focus on the physical aspects of the book, such as the appearance of the characters and so forth. Focus on their thoughts, emotions and their subconscious. Focus on the story, not the world it was set in.
@doubled_books If I had to compare the book with two others, I'd say it's like Lolita meets Beauty and the Beast.
— Claire Amber (@Sedonna12) November 29, 2014
@doubled_books Thank you so much for having me :D!
— Claire Amber (@Sedonna12) November 29, 2014
Thank you for joining in the Twitter Party!
Q. What genre are your books?
A. Mostly YA and NA paranormal romances but I've released a straight novella called Home which is about a family trying to get back together and I have created some monologues for actors. Family is probably a theme across all my fiction.
Q. Do you have a specific writing style?
A. I would say a lot of my voice comes out in the characters depending what they're going through and my sense humour comes out in all my books somewhere. I couldn't write something without at least a little bit of humour!
Q. Where did your idea for 'The East Lake Series' come from or how did you develop the idea for it?
A. It was a lightbulb moment sitting at my desk but the final book differs from the original idea. I thought I wanted to create a whole celestial school system but as I created the characters that would become students and I realised they needed to practice their skills on earth, the story went in a whole other direction. But the name stuck; Heaven High.
Q. What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?
A. Write. It's annoying to read that because it's probably the same advice most writers give and get but that's because it's a fundamental truth. I am a better writer now than when I started doing it seriously but how else do you learn your craft? Heaven High came after a lifetime of writing short stories, articles and poems, mostly for myself.
You'll write some complete turkeys but nothing is wasted because the idea may be useful in the future or a bit of it will be great or you'll get better as the draft goes along. Also, keep writing. Don't stop and edit every chapter or paragraph because you will NEVER finish. You'll lose momentum, confidence and probably a good story. Write to the end and then go back. If you have a beginning, middle and an end you have something to craft into a finished product.
Q. What was the hardest part of writing your book?
A. Not feeling overwhelmed by the task. I sometimes think the first paragraph is the hardest because you have a blank screen, a few ideas and a mountain to climb. You think, 'I don't know that many words, it's going to take years!' but you do and it won't.
Q. What are your current projects?
A. Sneak preview: I am releasing a new book call The Hunters in time for Christmas. The artwork is done, just final editing to complete. I also want to finish a Little Book of Duologues to complement the monologue book.
Q. Do you ever get writer’s Block? Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
A. Oh yes and I have a few ways of getting through it.
1. I jump to the part of the story I know about or the scene I can picture, even though there's no path to it yet. Once I've done that, it is easier for me to see how to get there from where I got stuck.
2. Write dialogue. If I've turned down a dry and descriptive route then putting down some dialogue gives it life and emotion and gets me back into my characters heads. Sometimes it takes me in a new direction or I discover something new about the character's psyche.
3. Write though it. Even if you think it is complete drivel. Eventually you hit on something and can move forward. When you read it back, you might replace it completely or realise some of it wasn't bad at all.
Q. Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors.
A. I always have a book on the go. Lately I've become addicted to the Jack Reacher series even though I don't normally read books like it. I love a Brad Meltzer/Grisham legal thriller and I am currently reading Gone Girl before the movie spoils the plot (I like to read the book before seeing the film in case the film is bad). Of course I read around my genre and my all time favourite books are children's books: His Dark Materials Trilogy and The Bartimaeus Trilogy. They are fantastic!
Q. What is one of your favorite part from one of your books?
A. I think all the interactions between Beau and Edgar from The East Lake Series. I love a bromance and these two really love each other. The best moment/s are from book 2, Hell's on Earth, where their friendship is really pushed to the limit.

It is still early, the second day of winter, and the snow has only lightly covered the surface of the earth. Temperatures haven’t dropped too low. As always, Rorschet liked to take this time to stroll around the barren land of the gardens in the early morning and enjoy the cool air against his bare torso while his robes were protecting his legs and keeping them warm. There was something on his mind though. He was thinking about when he should converse with the Divines and his deceased father and wife. Remembering his dream, he is now confident he will be able to conquer the demons within him, but that is not what is bothering him. How should he react when he sees his father and wife after so many years? What should he say? It certainly won’t be easy to start the conversation, but regardless, he needs their help if he is to be worthy of receiving the hand of the princess. And what happens afterward when he is purged of wretch? When Tangora turns twenty, he shall no longer be her master. How should he begin his courtship? He won’t be able to come up to her and simply tell her he loves her right away. Perhaps he should ask her to spend a little more time with him because he shall be too saddened by her departure to let her go. That almost sounds like a plan. Where should he take her? It is the final stretch. The sight of the finish line at the end of a marathon. Everything must be perfect to the very last detail. Though he wishes for much more than her lips, being humble might be his last hope if she rejects him. That way, there will still be a chance for her to change her mind. All of these years he’s had to watch her grow up into something beautiful and breathtaking. For all these years he’s been holding back. With each day it’s getting harder for him to resist the temptation of brushing his fingers against her delicious skin or breathing in the scent of her sweet, luxurious hair. The hunger was painful, yet it was wonderful. Hope was making it all the more delectable. Maybe he should write her a poem and keep it to himself until she knows about his feelings for her. A love song would be best, but anything he did now would be pointless, for it would only sate him for so long. Tangora’s poison has now spread though his veins and contaminated his mind. It’s too warm. Why is it so warm? The air is so thin. Rorschet threw himself onto the cold ground and felt relief as he took a deep breath. Love sort of feels like a fever. A disease that acts like a drug as it spreads through your body. However, once infected, a blow to the heart is usually a fatal one, but Rorschet has no worries. Tangora is the best person a man could trust with his heart. Just thinking about her is making him feel as carefree as a child, talking to himself and pretending to be hallucinating like he doesn’t care if someone sees him and thinks he’s out of his mind. He feels too good to keep silent. - What are you thinking about, little dove? - he spoke whilst smiling and staring up at the clouds that were floating through the sky. - Who’s on your mind when you look yourself in the mirror and touch your pearly skin? Are your hands still cold? I wish I could hold them and keep them warm for you.
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The murder of an ancient king spurs teen Sarah Matthews to travel back in time, putting her life in jeopardy as she races against the clock to solve a thousand-year-old mystery and pick up the pieces of her star-crossed romance. Her return to Serimone reveals that the kingdom is in upheaval, and unable to right the empire alone, Sarah enlists the help of Will, an enigmatic blacksmith who moonlights as the Shadow, Serimone’s vigilante. Together they search for the murderer at the castle, though the fearsome solitude of the stonework prison presses in on Sarah, and her heart is broken when an imposter tragically claims the life of someone close to her. As if in answer to her need for friendship, a dashing Spaniard named Damien swoops in with his kindness and charismatic charm. But as Sarah draws closer to him and to the faceless killer in their midst, she realizes that the severed threads of time and the mystery surrounding Serimone Castle are unraveling rapidly, weaving new tapestries of devastation. Sarah is forced into harm’s way countless times as she races to solve the puzzle before it is too late and Serimone becomes nothing more than a faded memory of the past. . . And before Sarah herself becomes a permanent fixture in history.
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@doubled_books @JaclynMBartz how do you come up with the ideas for your books I love the tooth fairy #Kidsbook #ChildrenStory #Art
— Sandy VanBuskirk (@ssony711) November 15, 2014
A lot of my ideas come from personal jokes with my children. The Retired Tooth Fairy is a perfect example!
My daughter lost a tooth, so we started joking about this older fairy who wasn't very good at collecting teeth.
From that fun moment with my daughter, my character came to life.
@ssony711 think my kids would love your books how can we get them?
I am also a silly person. I love corny jokes and coming up with things that are different from the norm.
They can be found at . If you go to other sellers, I have a few autographed copies for sale.
Thank you. My daughter has also helped co-write a few songs/one is "Ring Around the Molar" which is in the back. @ssony711 @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 15, 2014
We also wrote a Frozen parody called "I've Got Cavities" and one called "If I was a Molar" @ssony711 @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 15, 2014
Those will be released through my Youtube Channel. We have a lot of interesting conversations. :D @ssony711 @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 15, 2014
The 2nd book in the series will be coming out in 2016, while "Leo:The Male Tooth Fairy" will be out 2015. @ssony711 @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 15, 2014
I have more stories outlined about Bea's misadventures, and a spin-off of the teenage fairy, Adelia.
In addition, there are plenty of short stories in between--including my unique version of a Zombie.
Other than that, I like to spend my work time helping other artists as well with Book Reviews.
I volunteer with the Midwest Book Review and have my column called "Jaclyn's Bookshelf"
It's all about giving back, and helping out. I love it. I've met a lot of awesome authors through it. @ssony711 @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 15, 2014
@JaclynMBartz @doubled_books this is great #Kidsbook #ChildrenStory #Art
— Sandy VanBuskirk (@ssony711) November 15, 2014
Q. @JaclynMBartz - When did you know you wanted to be an Author & Artist?
A. I have been writing & drawing since I was a little kid. But I didn't know until 2010. It just popped up! I had written private stories and was encourage to consider a career in either or, but no one ever said, "Hey, Jaclyn! Be an author for a living!" I fell into the "Staving Artist Mantra" and went for the safe career. ie Dentistry. But right before getting licensed, I got hurt and could no longer do the dental thing. And then Bea came along! She has breathed life into me just as much as I did to her. It was then that I realized I should be doing that... ..and I realized that I needed to stop listening to the critics.
Q. @JaclynMBartz – If you could meet one of your characters’ who would it be and why?
Wow, that is a good one! My characters are actually pieces of people in my life. So I feel that I know them already! @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 15, 2014
But if I had to choose, it would be Bea. We have a lot in common--klutzy, forgetful, but always trying to preserve ... when life gets tough! Even if those great ideas don't go as planned. ;P
I am sure she would have a lot of crazy tales! lol @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 15, 2014
Q. @JaclynMBartz – What do you hope kids learn or take away from your story?
A. Bea is a creative problem-solver and always moves forward despite her limitations. I hope this story teaches them... to keep going when things get difficult. Having a positive attitude key when facing life's obstacles. Q. @JaclynMBartz – With Halloween just ending, have you ever thought of dressing up as one of your own characters’? I do think about that, but not just forHalloween. I think it would be neat to do book readings as the characters. I think... it would be fun for the kids to feel like they had a chance to truly meet the characters. Maybe I could convince my hubby ... to dress up like Bea! Ha ha...okay he wouldn't go for that! Sorry I am laughing at my own
Ha ha...gosh that would be something! Bea with a goatee! @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 15, 2014
Of course! There are some real great authors such as @CatMichaelsBook @MarkoKitti etc. who would be fun to @PostCardReviews @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 15, 2014
work with. If Dr. Suess was alive, I think it would be really fun to work with him.Q. @JaclynMBartz – Would you be a Tooth Fairy if you had the chance to be?
A. DEFINITELY!!! It would be fun to have the ability to fly and use magic. But the best part would be seeing how... happy the kids would be the next morning! It would be an awesome experience!
Embrace your uniqueness and give that inner critic some taffy to keep him/her! @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 15, 2014
The hardest step is that first step. So once that is completed then you are on your way!!! Also, don't let others' opinions deter you from what you want to do. Just go for it. It's worth it!Q. @JaclynMBartz - Would you ever have bright blue hair like your character on your cover? Why or why not?
A. I used to work for Spencer's when I was a teenager, and they dressed me up to promote a sale... I had on a blue wig, blue eyelashes, some crazy outfit, etc. It was fun to do for the day! You wouldn't believe that I am a.. ..a super shy person if you ran into me that day! So, in a way, yes! As long as it wasn't permanent. lol!
Ha ha...I had a family come up and take pics with me! We got a kick out of it! So there is a pic out there...somewhere! @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 15, 2014
Lots and lots of candy and caffeine. I write after the kids go to bed. I need things to keep me @SunshyReviews @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 15, 2014
I also listen to music. It really helps with my creative process! I am actually jamming right now to "Chasing the Sun" by The wanted!Q. @JaclynMBartz – If you could have one magic power what would it be?
A. I would like to have the ability to make people laugh, smile, and be happy. You know to be able to take away any sadness or worries they may be experiencing.
Q. @JaclynMBartz – Favorite kids book?
A. Amelia Bedelia, Bunnicula....those are the two that pop up right away! I usually have a handful of I don't like having to pick just one! :D
And I want to say a special thanks to you and all of the bloggers who were a part of my tour! #muchappreciated @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 16, 2014
And thanks to everyone here today! I loved getting the chance to connect with all of you! :D
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Yes! I like to imagine him laughing at his own characters and stories. He was extremely creative! @PostCardReviews @doubled_books
— ArtistJMBartz (@JaclynMBartz) November 15, 2014
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